Project Trend Analysis
I. Purpose and Outcome
II. Process Steps
III. Tips and Supporting Information
IV. Example
V. Form(s)
VI. References
Each month the project manager will project costs to complete the project after all job costs are complete for the prior month. The Trend Analysis Report will provide a detailed overview of the financial health of the job. The report will include but is not limited to, projections over 12 months: actual cost, turnover, current budget, contract amount, labor hours.
Spectrum Report Process:
Report Location in Spectrum: Job Cost > Special Report > Job Cost Trend Analysis
Report Filter:
- Job Number (Enter your job number)
- Period End Date (Enter the last date of the month from the last completed job cost projection)
- Include Man-Hours / Gross Margin Graph (Mark this check box to include a graph of man-hours trended over 12 months as well as a graph for gross margin trended over 12 months.
Trend Analysis Report Sections:
- Actual / Projected Costs (These costs are dependent on the date selection in the report parameters window).
- JTD Actual Costs
- Current Month Actual Costs
- Open Commitments
- Estimated Cost to Completion
- Cost at Completion
- Variance
- Variance between Current Budget and Cost at Completion
- Budget
- Turnover (Original Estimate in Spectrum)
- Change Orders (Approved, Executed, and Proposed)
- Current Budget (Turnover + (Approved & Executed Change Orders)
- Job Overview Dashboards
- Job Progress
- % Complete (JTD Cost / Projected Costs)
- % Billed (Total Billed / Revised Contract Amount)
- Billed to Date
- Earned to Date
- Over / Under Billings
- Cash Flow
- Current AR Balance (Billed, Applied, Balance, Retention Balance, Current Due, and AR over 60)
- Contract Amount and Changes (Original Contract, Executed, Approved, Proposed Changes, and Revised Contract)
- Difference from Last Period
- Contract Change (Change from previous period to current period)
- Gross Margin Change (Change from previous period to current)
- Current Gross Margin %
- Previous Period Gross Margin %
- Last Projection Date
- Projected Cost Trend Analysis
- Job Cost projections over a 12 month period. (This will be based on the date selected in the report parameters and will start with the most current month on the left.)
- Gross Margin & Gross Margin %
- Gross Margin
- Potential Gross Margin (Gross Margin + Unallocated Contingency)
- Productivity (Trended over 12 Months)
- Labor Hours (Labor and Contract Labor) – Projected and Budgeted
- Labor Rate Projected and Budgeted
- Labor Cost and Hours % of Budget (Projected Labor / Budgeted Labor)
- Man Hours Chart
- Comparison of Budgeted vs Projected Labor Hours trended over 12 months
- Gross Margin % Chart
- Gross Margin % trended over 12 months